Monday, June 16, 2008

quick update

Wow - lots of things have happened since the last post. We had tickets to go see Aunt Emmy last weekend, but unfortunately she passed away on Thursday. She was a really special woman who had seen a lot of bad things happen in the last year. We had become quite close over the years and I always looked forward to her phone conversations. We were going to suprise her as we showed up on Saturday, and we were stunned to hear the news. So, we decided to go out east and celebrate in her name. We spent a day in Providence, a day in Boston and a day in Newport. It was really great. Boston is a heck of a city and we snuck into Fenway park and got a great view of the stadium from behind home plate.

The previous week we found out that Paul is getting married this fall and is flying off to Trinidad for his next job. We're going to miss him. It's been wonderful having such a good friend so close to use in Rhinelander.


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