Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holiday season

Well, the holiday season is coming up soon. I can't believe there is less than two weeks left to the semester before finals. This has been a really fast semester. Busy, but fast. This holiday season we're going to be donating money to organizations such as the literacy centerl the Domes and the humane society. Most people probably already have many of the things they would want anyway, so this is a good way to make them feel good and put the money to good use.

The Panthers are on TV tonight. It's nice to have them back playing again, although the dark sports days of the new year will be coming soon when football is over and the baseball season isn't started yet. I wish the Bucks could be exciting to follow like they were back in the Brian Winters, Junior Bridgeman era, I just can't get into the NBA. I'll give them a shot, like I always do, but it's not interesting enough.

This has been the earliest and coldest winter that I can remember - perhaps that means it will be over sooner than usual! I'm already looking forward to spring, although I hope to get at least one winter camping event in this year.

That's all for now!


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